Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Focus is an amazing thing.  Think about light.  Focused light has great power.  A laser beam is, in essence, a very focused, concentrated wavelength of light.  Because of its focus, the power of the light is magnified and intensified.

The same principle applies in the way we approach our lives.  An unfocused life is like diffused light.  There is a lot of waste and limited impact.  However, when we get focused, everything changes.  We begin to see results.  In fact, growth and improvement in any realm of life starts with focus.

Focus is something we have to fight to maintain.  It doesn't happen without attention, concentration and effort.  A broad band of light becomes laser light only when strict boundaries and discipline are enforced on it.

This is true for us as well.  The kind of focus that brings positive and powerful results requires discipline.  Staying focused on the right things is a lifelong, daily challenge and responsibility.  But when we enforce the discipline of focus on our work, our relationships, our walk with God or any other area of life, we can anticipate incredible and significant growth, progress and impact.

Let's discipline ourselves to live focused lives.

Pastor Dale