Thursday, May 1, 2008


I am excited about this new opportunity to connect with you as we get ready for a new message series beginning the weekend of May 17, 18 titled “Joy-FULL.”For 12 weekends we will be studying the book of Philippians and the principles that will help all of us build a better life. Stay tuned with us here for my thoughts and reflections on the series and any inspirational and devotional thoughts and reflections from my heart. It will also be a great way for you to stay updated on some of the things we are up to as a church family. I am looking forward to sharing more of what God is doing in my life and in our church.

We have just completed a series called “Heart Check.” For 5 weeks we saw what the Bible had to say about the contents and condition of our hearts, and how our heart condition affects everything we are and everything we do. It was an amazing study. I have already received several testimonies of God’s incredible work in people’s lives through this series. I love hearing the stories of what the Lord is doing in our church through His Word and by His Holy Spirit. He is changing lives. If you have a specific testimony from the Heart Check series or from any other ministry or series in our church we would love to hear from you.

Don’t forget that Mother’s Day is coming up on the weekend of May 10, 11. It is going to be a great weekend. My wife will be sharing the message. I took a look at some of her notes (a sneak preview when she wasn’t looking), and I know that you are in for a treat! It would be a great time to invite family and friends to worship with us.

Please know how much my wife and I love serving you. You all are an incredible church family. We thank God for every one of you!

Pastor Dale