Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Kindred Spirits: Church of the Redeemer Midwest

This week we have a group of about 25 people with us from our Wisconsin campus.  These folks are doing a wonderful job establishing and growing Church of the Redeemer Midwest (  We are so thrilled with the commitment and passion they have to reach and serve their community with the love of Jesus Christ.

We were privileged to host the group for a reception following our midweek service.  It was such a joy to connect with them, to hear their hearts and sense their excitement for what God is doing at our midwest campus.

Our time of fellowship reminded me of one of the great blessings of the body of Christ.  It is something called a “kindred spirit.”  As I met people from the Wisconsin church that I had never met before, I immediately felt that I was with family -- the family of God!

This is something I have noticed in travels around the world.  When Christians meet, there is an undeniable and amazing connectedness of spirit.  This “kindred spirit” is actually the witness of the Holy Spirit reminding us that we are a part of the same family, we have the same Father and are living for the same purpose, the glory of Jesus Christ.

Thank God for the “kindred spirit” we share as Christian believers!  And thank God for the good folks from Church of the Redeemer Midwest!

Pastor Dale