Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A proverb a day ...

One of the devotional habits I try to maintain consistently is the daily reading of a chapter from the Old Testament book of Proverbs, based on the corresponding day of the month, (e.g., June 1: Read Proverbs 1, etc.).  Since there are 31 chapters in Proverbs, and 31 days in most months, it is possible to read through the entire book every month.

The book of Proverbs is a source of practical wisdom, instruction and correction.  I find that reading and meditating on the short nuggets of truth in each chapter provides me helpful guidance and knowledge for daily interactions and decisions.  Many times the course of my day has been positively altered or mistakes avoided because of the principles I discovered in the pages of this wonderful book of the Bible.

You also might like using a web resource for daily Bible reading if you are not doing so already.  Bible Gateway ( is a great source for online Bibles.  I like to use their audio Bible resources and listen to Scripture being read while I follow along in my reading.  Here is a link for that resource:

Enjoy your Bible study!

Pastor Dale