Friday, June 6, 2008

The Heart of the Matter

This past Wednesday our area was hit with some significant thunder storms with very strong winds.  All throughout the DC vicinity trees were downed and electricity was off.  As I listened to and watched the intensity of the wind and rain, it brought to mind our real weaknesses and vulnerabilities as human beings.  The wake of the storm revealed a lot about the importance of having the right spiritual foundation and strength of character -- of having the right heart.

An example of weakness and vulnerability exposed by this storm happened at our house.  One of our trees, a big, beautiful and mature Weeping Willow tree at the entrance of our driveway, took a hit from the wind.  A large section of the tree split from the main trunk and much of it landed on a power line.  It was amazing to see the tree trunk suspended in air.  It was hanging precariously, with part of the damaged section dangling over the road in front of our home.  It was supported primarily by electrical cables that appeared ready to snap at any moment.

My wife reported the situation to our utility company and eventually a tree cutting crew showed up at our home to take care of the situation.  As the workers carefully pruned back the large portion of the split trunk, something interesting and instructional became evident.  The inside of the tree was diseased, decayed and infested with hundreds if not thousands of black ants.  The inner disease, decay and infestation had weakened this huge section of the tree and made it vulnerable to the storm.

From outside observation I would have never thought that such a problem existed.  The tree looked healthy to me.  Obviously, there was a lot more going on inside the tree than the outside revealed.  The storm made evident the real character of the tree.  It had a heart problem.

This situation brought to mind the biblical teaching about the human heart.  When our heart is infected and infested with the wrong thinking and attitudes, the resulting spiritual and emotional disease and decay weakens us and makes us vulnerable to destruction, especially when times of testing come our way.  Just as the disease and inner decay of the tree not only made the tree vulnerable to destruction but also made the tree dangerous to others, the diseases, decay, infections and infestations of our heart are not only destructive to us, but also make us dangerous to others.

Listen to these words of wisdom:

“Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do.” -- Proverbs. 4:23 (NLT)

What’s going on in your heart?

Pastor Dale