Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Peru Missions Outreach

Last week some folks from our young adult ministry, Axis,  headed to Peru, South America to serve our sister church, Camino de Vida.  After a brief stop in the capital city of Lima, the team traveled into the high Andes Mountains near Cuzco to a small, extremely remote village named Limatambo.  Camino de Vida, pastored by Pastor Robert Barriger, has a children's home in Limatambo of approximately 60 precious kids.  These children come from very difficult and challenging backgrounds and experiences.  Camino de Vida's home offers them a safe place where they can experience a loving family environment, food, clothing and care, receive spiritual instruction and a get a good education.  We are privileged to support this ministry through our church's missions giving.

Our team spent several days loving on the children there, playing with them and teaching them God's Word.  They also provided practical help with some of the home's needed projects.  In addition, the team did some evangelistic outreaches in the surrounding villages, sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with others.  They went to the "front lines" of ministry.

I've had the opportunity to talk to several of the team members since they returned, and their reports were all similar -- "Awesome!"  "Life changing!"  "Incredible!"  It was a good reminder of the joy that comes when we push the limits of our comfort zone and serve others.

This week we are sending another team to Guatemala to serve.  Keep this trip and the team members in prayer.

And remember, all of us can do mission work, and we don't have to travel thousands of miles from home to do it.  Look for needs around you this week, press the boundaries of your comfort zone, and serve others.  Your experience and response will be the same as that of the Peru team members I talked to -- "Awesome!"  "Life changing!"  "Incredible!"

Pastor Dale