Friday, June 13, 2008

Makeover -- The Power of Small Intentional Change

All of us have seen television programs that chronicle some kind of home makeover.  It is interesting to see how an interior designer can come into someone’s house, review their current room layout and decorations, and with a relatively small budget and a few key changes, transform the place.  The house takes on a whole new look, all because someone was willing to change a handful of things.

Changes don’t have to be big to make a significant difference.  Sometimes small intentional changes have a huge positive impact.  For example, small changes in our diet such as reducing our intake of soft drinks by one serving per day (or for me, one Starbucks latte per day) results in over 46,000 fewer calories a year, or a potential loss of almost 12 pounds!  12 pounds make a big difference in how a pair of pants fits!

The point is, to grow and improve the quality and impact of our lives, we have to be intentional about making positive changes.  All too often we think that big changes are required for big impact.  Actually, making the right small changes in how we think, live and relate to others is frequently where the most significant dividends are realized.

What small intentional changes do you need to make that could significantly transform your life?  What changes could you make in the way you think, live and relate that could dramatically improve your personal effectiveness and positive impact on others?

Don’t let apathy, complacency and comfort keep you from your makeover!

Pastor Dale