Friday, June 27, 2008

Next Generation Ministries

This summer is an exciting time here at Church of the Redeemer. We are reaching out to the next generation.

One of the most important things we can do in ministry is to pass on our faith in Jesus Christ and love for His church to children, young people and young adults -- to the up and coming generation. Over the last several weeks we have been busy making this one of our summer priorities.

We kicked off the beginning of the summer with a huge Block Party for our teenagers. Terry and I had the opportunity to hang out with the kids for most of that evening, and it was incredible. The back parking lot of the church was transformed. We had music, food, games, art competitions, and a variety of other activities. The night ended with a great message from our youth pastor, Justin McAuliff, calling teenagers to commit their lives to Jesus, and quite a number did!

This week we had Vacation Bible School. It has been exciting to see hundreds of kids here each morning, playing games, having loads of fun and also learning about God’s Word and the love of Jesus Christ. I am sure that many of these kids will end the week by making a personal commitment of their lives to Jesus.

Our summer internship program is in full swing now as well. We have a great group of young adults who have committed their summer to serving God, serving the church and growing in their faith. I had the opportunity yesterday to spend some quality time with them, talking about the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. It brings tremendous joy to my heart to know that our church is investing in such quality young adults. It is amazing to think about the potential each of them has for the Kingdom of God and His church.

Also, beginning in July, our young adult ministry, Axis will be holding weekly worship services each Thursday night @ 7:00 pm. If you are a young adult, get this on your calendar and be there for great times of worship, teaching and fellowship.

One final word about next generation ministries. None of these exciting ministries and events happen without wonderful, caring adults stepping up to serve. I am so blessed by all the folks who regularly volunteer with our children and youth. Your investment in the next generation is one of the greatest things you will do with your life. Thank you!

If you would like to serve, let us know about your interest. We would love to hear from you. Check out the links below to communicate your interest in being a part of transforming the lives of children and youth at Church of the Redeemer!

Children's Ministry

Youth Ministry

Pastor Dale